Chocolate Banana Split Cake

The first time I tried Banana Split Cake, was when I was playing bingo with a good friend of mine. I'm more than a little embarrassed to admit that I ate 2 huge pieces while I was playing bingo...and I took a third piece home with me for later. I was so interested in the cake that I missed a perfectly good bingo. I wasn't too unhappy about losing the game. After all...I had an extra piece of cake!

Chocolate-Banana Split Cake
In honor of my friend: Karen Nunes

1 Devils Food Chocolate Cake
5 cups whipped cream (Opt. Cool Whipped Topping)
3 large bananas; ripe but firm, and sliced
1 bottle Chocolate Ice-Cream Topping; slightly chilled
1 bottle Caramel Ice-Cream Topping; slightly chilled
¼ cup Pecans or Walnuts; chopped
1 large red cherry

Prepare cake according to the directions on the box for an 8" or 9” round cake. Allow cakes to cool completely on wire rack before you begin to frost. When cool to the touch, carefully remove one cake from the pan, and place it upside down on a clean cake plate. (I cut several small pieces of waxed paper (3" squares) to line the cake plate, to catch falling whipped cream. Frost the top of the cake with a thin layer of whipped cream. Add a layer of sliced bananas, then a second layer of whipped cream.

Carefully place the second cake on top of the first (bottom side down), and secure it with 4-6 wooden toothpicks. Spread a thick layer of whipped cream on top, and sides of entire cake. Follow the whipped cream with a layer of sliced bananas. Drizzle a stream of Caramel and Chocolate Fudge topping over the top of the cake, allowing it to drip down the sides of the cake in 5 or 6 places. Add a sprinkle of chopped nuts, and top it off with a large, ripe cherry (with stem) Insert the bottom half of 5 or 6 wooden toothpicks into the top of the cake, which will allow you to cover the cake with plastic wrap without touching the frosting. Carefully cover the entire cake, and chill for a minimum of 2 hours before serving. Enjoy!

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