Cherry-Cherry Jell-O Salad

If you like Cherries, you will love this salad! It is fruity and light, and every bite will leave you craving for more. I'm excited to hear your feedback.

Cherry-Cherry Jell-O Salad
by Carol Ann

2 small boxes (3 oz) Cherry Jell-O
3 cups boiling water, separated
1 cup ripe bananas (2 large); mashed
5 tsp Granulated Sugar
3/4 cup Whipped Cream (sub: Cool Whip Topping)
1/2 cup Cream Cheese; softened
1/4 cup Crushed Pineapple; drained and packed
1/4 cup ( 1 stalk) fresh celery; diced small
2 tbs Maraschino Cherries; diced
1 tbsp pecans; chopped (optional)

Bottom layer:
Stir 1-1/2 cups boiling water into one small box (3 oz) Cherry Jell-O, and continue stirring until completely dissolved. Cover and refrigerate until almost set.

In large bowl, beat 5 tsp sugar into mashed bananas, on high setting. Set aside. In separate large bowl, beat whipped cream into softened cream cheese, until well blended. Beat banana mixture into whipped cream mixture and beat until well blended and smooth. Set aside.

Beat thickened Jell-O until smooth. Add smooth Jell-O into banana mixture and beat on medium setting until well blended and smooth. Immediately pour this mixture into the bottom of a 9" x 12" glass dish. Cover dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firmly set (3 hours or overnight).

Top layer:
Stir remaining 1-1/2 cups boiling water into small box (3 oz) Cherry Jell-O, and continue stirring until completely dissolved. Refrigerate until almost set. Meanwhile, drain pineapple. Blot with paper towel until all remaining juice has been absorbed. Drain cherries, then blot with paper towel until all remaining juice has been absorbed. Dice cherries and fresh celery then add both to pineapple. Mix well and set aside. Beat thickened Jell-O until smooth, then add crushed pineapple, diced cherries, and diced celery. Beat on low setting until fruit and celery is evenly distributed. Add chopped nuts (if desired), and mix well (optional).

Immediately pour mixture over bottom layer, and distribute evenly with a spatula. Cover dish with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until firmly set, and ready to serve. (3 hours to overnight.) Serve with additional whipped cream and/or garnish with fresh mint leaf.

18 servings

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